Better In Suburbia


Brownie Batter Hummus

We’ve already covered my late-in-life love affair with hummus but did you know that hummus can be made sweet or savory? MIND BLOWN! The most exciting part is it is a sneakily nutritional snack that almost feels too decadent to be good for you. This dip is fabulous paired with fruits like strawberries, bananas, or

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Quick & Simple Hummus

I grew up in a small town in rural Wisconsin. My food options were limited & consisted of mostly prepackaged processed snacks. In my teenage years, I moved to live with my dad in the suburbs of Phoenix. I was exposed to a whole world of different flavors & cultures. I soaked it up &

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Sh*t We Don’t Buy Any More

In a consumer culture, it can be increasingly difficult to find products that aren’t a waste of money or damaging the planet. Here is a list of our favorite products that not only save us money  & reduce toxins in our home but also help the planet. Most of these products are one-time purchases &

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Easy Roasted Tomato Sauce

This recipe is truly one of those- use what you have on hand situations. You’ll need tomatoes, olive oil, herbs, salt & pepper. I often add thinly sliced onion &/or chopped garlic too. The best part is that it can be used in so many ways. It is perfection with pasta or as pizza sauce.

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Swedish Meatball Gravy

We love meatballs at our house. One of our favorite variations is Swedish meatballs & this gravy is perfection. To top it off the gravy is wildly easy to make! This is another one of the recipes I learned from my grandma. She used a jar of gravy & 1/2 a tub of sour cream.

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DIY Hand Soap

This recipe is so incredibly quick and easy to whip up. Tip: ALWAYS put your water in first followed by the Castile soap. If you do it the other way around, you’ll end up with a sudsy mess. 1 part Castile soap 3 parts water Or ¼ cup Castile soap ¾ cup water & A

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