Better In Suburbia

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  • While I’m sad to see summer break come to an end I am excited to get back to routine. &
  • Last weekend my nieces came over for a sleep over & Emmie was so helpful organizing seeds! I swear no
  • You’ll read about people who have free range quail. I can’t see how that could ever be possible. ‍♀️ We
  • Look who’s already settling in to their new cage. We were so excited to find this second hand cage on
  • I stopped buying “snacks” about 5 years ago. With 3 kids a box of fruit snacks would last maybe 2-3
  • It’s just too easy & the fact there is ZERO added sugar or questionable ingredients makes this one of our
  • The seed rack has been organized. The website has been restocked & a few new varieties have been added! Have
  • Our kitchen is the most used room in the house. It’s always a mess but it also feeds us well.
  • Eating out as a family of 5 is EXPENSIVE AF so I often work on copycat recipes to curb our
  • How did you get the scar on your face? Neck? Arm? Leg? It’s a question I can tell many people
  • Shit I Don’t Buy Anymore: Episode 1- Safety Razors. ⠀ There can be a million reasons to stop buying something.
  • We’ve been raising Coturnix here in the burbs for almost a year now & I really think we’ve got brooding
  • I don’t think hatching these little squirts will ever get old. I recently learned that Coturnix means Quail in Japanese.
  • I hope your soul is fairing well in the chaos of the world that has consumed our daily lives &
  • You might be a gardener if…. Tell me that I’m not the only one that regularly finds small harvests in
  • Counting little wins these days is so important. These are the littlest of little wins! Our last few hatches although
  • I’m absolutely loving these pvc water dispensers B rigged up for the quail condo. We did have to ask the
  • Did you know- quail don’t lay in nests or nesting boxes? This makes egg collection an adventure every day. With
  • Thank you all so much for your support of our family, our website, our shop & for being our biggest
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