In 2020 & 2021 we upped our radish game by growing over 15 varieties of radish. Radishes have incredibly short days to harvest at about 30-60 days making them nearly as instant gratification as gardening gets.
I absolutely love radish but I’ve often heard them referred to as spicy dirt apples and truth be told I am not a huge fan of spicier varieties so I absolutely knew I needed to find a way to prepare them so I could eat every radish I could grow. I decided to pickle them in an effort to balance out the spice. In testing over 15 varieties, I’m bound to end up with ones that are spicier than I would snack on. Plus everything is better pickled!
Quick pickling is one of the fastest and easiest ways to preserve your radish harvest and it really knocks down on the spice. These sweet and tangy slices are beyond delicious tossed in salads, on sandwiches, or my favorite straight from the jar.
This recipe makes two, pint jars or one, quart jar. We use about 10 small radishes per pint jar. You’ll begin by cleaning your radish well and removing the tops and roots. Begin slicing into ¼ to 1/8th inch disks. I don’t worry much about getting them perfect or uniform & I have been known to toss in a wonky end piece. Then drop a clove or two of garlic into your jar(s) followed by your sliced radish. Once your jar is filled with radish you will need a small sauce pot to mix up the brine. In the pot, you will add 1 cup of water, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of honey. You could also use standard white vinegar and sugar however it will change the taste a bit.
Bring this mixture to a boil being sure all of the salt has dissolved. Pour liquid directly into your jar(s) covering the radish completely. Allow to cool on the counter for a few hours covered and then store in the refrigerator for 24 hours before eating. If you can wait that long.

Pickled Radish
- 2 Pint jars or 1 quart
- 10 small Radish
- 1-2 Garlic cloves
- 1 Cup Water
- 1 Cup Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
- 2 Tsp Salt
- 2 Tbsp Honey or sugar
- Slice radish about 1/4 in thick & place them in jar(s) with 1-2 cloves of garlic.
- In a small pot add water, apple cider vinegar, salt & honey. Bring to a boil & ensure everything is completely dissolved.
- Pour liquid directly over the radish in the jar(s). Cover with lid & allow to cool completely (or overnight) on the counter. Refrigerate 24 hours before eating for best flavor.